
Laura Louise Love was a FINALIST for
Australian Psychologist of the Year
in the 2020-21 Allied Health Awards!

** Press Release 7th September 2020 **
Laura Louise Love a local Psychologist, Coach and Author, is a finalist in the 2020 Altitude Awards in the ‘Climb Every Mountain’ category. This award is for the best small business of the year, which recognises businesses that are already climbing mountains despite still being relatively new. The annual Altitude Awards are jointly presented by ‘Women with Altitude’ and ‘The Men’s Altitude Network’ to acknowledge those who have made outstanding contributions as business owners, volunteers, employees, creative thinkers and leaders.
Women with Altitude founder, Andrea Turner-Boys said, “We look forward to this time each year when we celebrate and champion the achievements of individuals and teams from our regions. Each finalist has been chosen for their outstanding contributions in their field and will be presented with their finalist certificates at regional networking events across NSW and the ACT, throughout the month of September. An independent judging panel adjudicates the awards, and winners of each category will be announced at a gala awards ball on Saturday 7th November at the LCC Event Centre in Prestons NSW.”
Love spoke about being selected as a finalist in this year’s Altitude Awards out of over 200 nominations, saying she feels “honoured to have my work recognised for making a difference”. She also went on to say that “the impact of COVID-19 has been an anxiety provoking time for many, highlighting the vital importance of online mental health services”.
When asked about her work, Love said “My true areas of passion focus on women’s health and children’s wellness”. “Early in my career, I often utilised ‘Walk and Talk’ therapy as university student clients felt more relaxed walking around campus, talking through their concerns. I continued to receive many requests for some brief online videos with tips to help people navigate daily challenges (especially during COVID-19), which is why I built in a 10 episode ‘Walk and Talk’ series on my online platform. I have a blog, seasonal newsletter, am writing books, as well as developing online courses and I continue to educate all on the power of the mind and on emerging, leading edge therapies which have a strong research base”.
“As clients vary greatly, so do their preferences for therapy, which led me to study the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as research and feedback revealed that many clients, across the lifespan, benefit greatly from the use of EFT or ‘tapping’. I utilise this quick and easy modality very successfully, to coach and support clients to overcome their mental and emotional barriers to success, health and wellness”.
Love is well known for her world first resource, a children’s book she wrote and illustrated, with the foreword written by Australian leader in this field, Prof Dr Peta Stapleton. Love said “I found there was a need, but a lack of material available in the tapping space for very young children who could benefit from it, so I decided to create my own book ‘Huggi the Bear: Magic Spots’, published by Balboa Press (a division of Hay House), which has been very well received. After many requests, I am now in the process of bringing Huggi out from the pages of my book and I will soon be releasing a real ‘Huggi Tapping Bear’ to complement therapy and enhance the uptake of this technique for little ones”.
Love went on to say “I find it deeply fulfilling to empower people with helpful emotion regulation strategies, to move through thoughts of despair, to resilience and growth. It’s wonderful to use my skills and resources to help relieve anxiety, stress and mental suffering, allowing people to live healthy, productive lives”. Laura’s books and videos are available at lauralouiselove.com

Laura Louise Love was the Winner of the Nation Wide NEXT REAL MODEL competition in 2009 out of over 3,500 entrants which celebrated natural beauty and body confidence. The competition was organised by Australian company Goldmark Jewellers. The win resulted in Love being the National model for the company in 2010, in addition to receiving numerous photo shoots, prizes and endorsements.